Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The power of one is great!

If you can spare 5 minutes, watch this video.

It makes me so happy over and over again!

With all that's going wrong in the world it is easy to get preoccupied with all the negative things in the world. It can be easy to loose faith in the each other when things are going wrong and we hear of the awful things people do to each other around the world. But things remind me that human beings are all so beautiful. We have the ability to make ourselves happy and far greater, make one another happy!

No matter how small you think you are, I hope you remember Helen Keller's,

"I am one, but I am still one, I cannot do everything but I can do something. "

There is nothing greater than having someone to smile, laugh and dance with. In those few moments, dancing, smiling, laughing and even crying it becomes so apparent that we are more alike then different.

It is easiest to see how human we all are, that no matter what were never alone. Thank goodness for these short but powerful moments, for they are perhaps what get us through all the others. Remember the power of one is great!! You do make a difference!

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