Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Break Burnout

The holidays, although usually not as filled with responsibility as a semester, can wear you out.
After the excitement and fun of the holidays, going back to school and work can seem like going to get a root canal.
Whether you celebrated the holidays with family or stayed and enjoyed them with friends, changing over from break-mode to student-mode can be quite an adjustment.

Fortunately, America feels strongly enough about its leaders (at least the ones in the past) to give us a national holiday. President's Day, Feb. 16th, is a Monday, which means a three day weekend is on the horizon.

President's Day normally does not receive the same amount of attention as the "festive" holidays preceding it, but I find myself already looking forward to it with the same amount of excitement.

As a suggestion to those who might be coming off of the Christmas-break high and suffering from the back-to-school low, a paper chain might help keep your holiday spirits up as you look forward to our next break. One less link means one day closer to vacation.

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